
Terrence Carraway


I didn't know Mr. Carraway but many of my social media friends did. As his family mourns his senseless death, please lift this great man of honor up. Let's not forget his name like the wind of the news cycle.

Most of the time when a police officer goes down the suspect is unrecognizable because that's one of their own but yesterday was so unusual as Trump texted everyone like it was a wake up call to his buffoonery. And as we were distracted by the beeps, a white make slaudered a Black police officer. Why don't I hear Trump's hate toward this demon that took Florence's own? He hates Kapernick. You see, Trump ignores the evilness and division when it's caused by his own and his own people killed Carraway. He ignores Black folks pain and in turn tells racist to rough up Black men. Only this Black man happened to wear blue. Let's not forget Officer Carraway's name as we as a community mourn what has happened to a great man. Post his pictures. Tell his story publically. Don't sweep this under the rug. Condolences to the friends and family of Terrence Carraway. 

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