
Oh, how I love Movement


​Frustrated with the school my son was in, I was heart broken that he didn’t love it. Kindergarten wasn’t what I remembered as a child. The days of short sessions, sugar cookies and naps were over. Now kindergarten was a lab of rigor, just like the rest of the grades. High expectations were based on test scores and my little one, that had a smile from ear to ear on the first day school seemed like a different child. Sadly we went through two years of tears and anxiety, bullies and incomplete assignments. It was hard for him to make friends and the pace was impossible for him to keep up with. As I went to the final conference of the school year and I looked on the bulletin board to find none of his work, I knew this wasn’t going to go well. The teachers one by one suggested retention. But as an educator myself, I knew that wasn’t the answer. Almost 40 years to the date, this school didn’t look much different than what I attended in Long Island as a child. So, I took my little peanut butter home, contemplating homeschooling, knowing as a single mom, I couldn’t afford it.

Then as I was surfing Facebook one evening, I saw an ad for Movement. The bold red colors sucked me in and I filled out the application for my child as if I had nothing to lose. Within a week, I was at the location, fully committed to the move. The school wasn’t complete at this time but I had made up my mind that my child wasn’t going back to his old school. Open House was set and we were ready for the change. As we entered the state of the art building, my heart dropped. The beauty of the place was breath taking. It was a child’s paradise full of color and wonder. Smart boards in ever room, swivel chairs set up unconventionally made my heart smile and three really special teachers, Ms. McGowan, Ms. Goode and Ms. Smith sealed the deal. 

Now everyday wasn’t sunshine and I shed a couple of tears from the transition. A couple of months later, I took a job at Movement because I believed in the vision. Now, year two, Justus is eager to hop on the bus. He has made friends. He is receiving the services he needs to catch him up academically and most important to me, he is loved. Oh how I love Movement. 

Movement School - 2701 Freedom Drive, Charlotte

We Are Wllingboro
Black Folks Winning!!!

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