
Farrah Turner was My Soror


​I started Black Line News to report positive, local events in areas that were receptive. I write to promote change. I don't sensationalize nor find satisfaction in writing about others pain. Yet, I could not ignore the devastation caused by the ambush of several heroic officers in Florence, SC, which is less than 2 hours from me. It broke my heart when I heard about the death of Investigator Terrence Carraway and I attempted to write with integrity about what transpired. I followed the other individuals as news and pictures slowly surfaced. I was excited to see two female officers released from the hospital and I shared and prayed with my church congregation calling these individuals by name.

When you write news, people are always leaking stuff like what maybe really happening. Well, I got a message from a family member that Ms. Farrah wasn't doing good at all. As a preacher she laid heavy on my spirit with me breaking down at the altar this pass Sunday, not truly knowing why. I stopped writing about it because I didn't understand and yesterday when I heard that Ms. Farrah had left us, I was done. She left a world that so needs her imagery of a powerful black woman. She's left during a time when Black and Blue can be so divided. She left strong, healthy and beautiful. So, while in church for revival last night, I asked God why? I don't do that too often but yesterday I did. Why take someone with so much? I didn't get an answer but I now understand who Ms. Farrah is to me. While scrolling my Facebook page I saw part of Ms. Farrah's hands and the top was peaked. As if she was talking to me, she said in the spirit, "Hey Soror". Tears ran down my face because I know where she is and the God we serve. We don't hold up that symbol to be cute or "catty". We don't hold it to be perculiar or presumptuous. We hold it because we know we are Deltas.

At that moment I knew it was my sister that had died, giving me such purpose in holding up her legacy. Deputy Farrah Turner has hundreds of thousands of sisters to hold up her illustrious legacy. Now is the time to do the work. Soror, rest in eternal peace. May God keep you and comfort your family and friends. 

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