
Forgiving Betrayal . . . Dear Dearest


Dear Self, 
Betrayal wrote me on New Years Eve and at first I had nothing to say. He called me by my old name, like my old school friends would yell down the way. They would rough me up on Saturday then by Sunday forget about it all. And to just be outside in the sunlight, removed any embarrassment of the fall. I once was a child, but now I’m grown never playing with my heart again. You see my biggest trial, my deepest hurt was from men not the struggle of sin. That one betrayal in life, that had a hold on my mind, my emotions, my heart, has made me a stronger person and I will never let it tear me apart. As strange as it may seem, my betrayer sent over his friend, who treated me like I was nothing when my betrayer called it the end. He asked me for my forgiveness and tried to get me to talk on the phone. But one thing I can say for certain, before a betrayer I will always choose being alone. I read his words very carefully, never, ever showing my card. I found myself filled with emotions, trying to not take him off of my guard. I let some days passed by, in that time God called home a true friend. Teddy Bear, Daniel Lloyd had died now I was ready to respond to this ex-friend again. I was no longer to be called Londa, that name the kids would yell down the street. I felt more like Michelle Obama, in a nice way giving Trump supporters some heat. So on this magically day, like Maya Angelou I would rise, letting go of the lovely Yolanda, because at 50 this woman will Rise!!!


Dear Self, 

Romans 8 says that "in all things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us" (vs. 37). I want to encourage all of you, as we are in the midst of going through…that through it all we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loves us.

Stand on His word “self”. 

Faithfully you, 

Dearest Price

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