
“Race Wars”

“Race Wars”

​Just a couple of days ago, some caucasian  members of our community shouted racial slurs at a group of children while they were at Sonic ordering some food.  I can recall some of my military days and being one of 3 women of color in a squad of close to 100 men. I had recently decided to loc my hair but was in the very early stages so I kept a quick weave. Okay Queens, I know y’all know what I mean but just in case, a quick weave is where a stocking cap is placed over your natural hair. Hair is glued to the stocking cap versus your hair or scalp and the hair is cut into designs. This process allows you to use the hair as a wig. One day an officer approached me and stated, “we are having some complaints about your hair and was wondering if you could make it more normal because it’s too ethnic.” Now mind you, the policy for the military was to have it always above the neck and could not fall below your ear. The hairstyle I kept was a very short-do since the hair underneath was even shorter. To make a long story short, experiences of racial injustice can come from many different avenues such as: Harassment from being stopped by police officers, being made as an example (or “singled-out”) in a ridiculous situation, not being treated like a human being in a professional environment, education, systemic racism, etc. Rules are made for specific people........they either move you forward or keep you bound and in alignment with where “they” want you to be. 

This blog is to help you keep your eyes open for yourself as well as for the protection of your family & the community. There are local KKK members in this county and they are making it a point to make their voices heard. We must go high and counteract the hate with love. Martin Luther King, Jr. expressed this to the Black community, “I have decided to stick to love.......Hate is too great a burden to bear.” Now I’m not saying that you need to walk up to these racist individuals and start hugging them smh If anything, I’m just saying that if God is love, we should love regardless. It’s like that family member that no one can tolerate so you love them from a distance. I know you know what I mean. Laugh at them because how they sound is ridiculous and then ignore the rest. 

Remain safe and when you see something, SAY SOMETHING!! 

Peace Love & Light,

~*~Nzuri Asha’~*~

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