
To Mother, With Love - By Annette Ceasar Albright


Relationships are often complicated, and I don't believe any relationship can be more complex than the one between a mother and her daughter. My mother, Marie Ceasar , passed away on July 20, 2022, and I often reflect on our journey these days. 

My mom was a young wife and mother, married at the age of 15 and giving birth to her first child by age 16. By the age of 22, my mom was a mother to 4 children.

Before I became a parent, I had no idea what unconditional love was. I am a mother to 4 children, one birth child and 3 adopted. With the support of my daughter's family, raising her was simple; therefore, I thought I was supermom!! After adopting 3 children from foster care (3 different families) with unique personalities and challenges, I was met with a dose of reality.šŸ˜€šŸ˜€

What being a parent has taught me is unconditional love. We scream, we fight, we have said hurtful things to each other (I have truly learned the superpower of an apology), and no matter how many times I swear this was the last straw, when my children need me, I am there. My relationship with my mother was just as complicated and sometimes challenging.

My mom was a true diva, and after she went under Hospice care, she would compliment me on my hair every time I visited her. (@ Phaedra Jones ) About a month before she went into active transitioning, I told her I would bring all my stuff and do her hair the next time I visited. On July 14th., I received a call from my mom's Hospice nurse that she was transitioning.

On July 17th. at about 9:30 pm. while visiting my mom, I hear a tiny voice calling, "Annette." I peep into the room next door and see my mom; I walk into the room, and she says, "hello gorgeous, you know I love you." I sit beside her bed and respond, "yes, mom, I know that you love me." After a few minutes, I return to my room, and I had an amazing cry.

On July 18th., I kept my promise to my mom; I flat-ironed and curled her hair. At that moment, I was following thru with the promise I made to my mom. Now that I have had time to reflect on those 24 hours, I realize how defining that moment was.

My relationship with my mom was personal. It was not contingent upon my mom's relationship with my siblings; it was not contingent upon my mom's relationship with her siblings; it was our mother/daughter journey.

What transpired over that 24 hours was the ending of a 55-year journey, and what could have been more amazing and beautiful than a mother pledging her unconditional love to her child and a daughter styling her mother's hair for the last time. #Grateful #Peace #Mommy #LifeJourney #Memories šŸ„°
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