
We Owe it to Our Ancestors to Collectively Vote Regardless of any Reason

Black Willingboro

 As a conscious woke person I used to allow the ignorance of believing my vote didn't matter per history showing my ancestors dying for something so simple kept me from voting.  As conscious woke intellectual, I saw the game that I wasn't playing, and we in the conscious community always say life "is like a game of chess". We in the conscious community are quick to say we are not ready to unite, or not ready for the revolutionary game we so passionately push for, say to strategically prepare for; all while the real chess game is the government. If the government keep winning the house we will forever be on the losing end. No matter how well prepared we say we are, we will always lose this fight if we don't play this game. This game is the game that needs the "Woke Conscious Community" because we don't let religion guide us, religion and the government are almost united; we have witnessed all these wrong political choices voted in, and endorsed by religious institutions. But we as a conscious community we don't care, because we are ingrained with an ignorance that our votes don't matter. No matter how deep our intelligence is about our history, it is our ignorance that won't allow us to honor our ancestors by collectively voting as unit. We honor them by doing a lot of things collectively except vote. We make it our duty to try to resurrect Black Wallstreet in their honor, ignoring that they died in even worse ways for voting. We come up with so many reasons as to why we will not vote, not realizing that what we build on, will be ruled by the very system we are ignoring. Our history and life experience today of our plight is because of those in the government today, and we are choosing to turn our backs out of sheer ignorance of wanting to be right!  It's our vote that will change the landscape on the political field almost immediately. Vote in honor of our ancestors like we do everything else without question, but as a duty to fulfill. 

We have to be the change we seek! We have to stop letting our differences keep us from working together on all platforms. We cannot create a Black Wallstreet on a land on which is "owned" by the very same policy and lawmakers we are ignoring and think they will allow us to build such a dream on this land. It is that chess game we continually ignore called politics; instead of creating our own party to play the game, we still have our tails tucked between our legs talking about, "why we won't vote" and "how the system is set against black people". It is because we are allowing it! So what are we going to do? Keep adjusting to whatever new policy and law they make knowing it'll cost us most of the freedoms we say we already lost "Equality"! Will we keep allowing it to be a norm in our community, to knowingly ignore our freedoms being taken away and we did nothing, because we "think" our votes don't matter. What are we really teaching our children. No amount of unified economics will replace our freedom if they are continually taken. 

America’s Lynching Tree
Behavioral Flexibility


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