
Strong People’s Campaign - Demonstrate the Change


I am the founder of the Strong People’s Party, an organization of advocates for Education Reform, Worker Disputes and People’s Rights; for now. We were birthed out of the blatant presence of workforce discrimination. In many cases the core of an individual’s displacement comes out of some of the most toxic work environments. Teachers, bus drivers, poll workers forced to quit their jobs, terminated unfairly or held hostage by pay disputes are all too common, with the Department of Labor overwhelmed with complaints. 
And now the new battle begins with Charter School enrollment hitting an astronomical peak, especially in the Queen City, providing children with all the bells and whistles but how about a quality education? As traditional education sits back like an old granny whose days are numbered. 
And lastly Women’s Rights, which we call people’s rights, an issue that the church can’t even face, hushing women of their dignity, voice and what goes on in there bodies. The Strong People’s Party doesn’t want to convince you but discuss, build and demonstrate the change. We will have our 2nd meeting, at 7 pm sharp, Hornet’s Nest Park right off of Beatties Ford Road, where we will be hearing from our very own Shirley Belton about the update to the Stephanie for Mayor Non-Payment Dispute.  
Let’s organize and take back our schools, our jobs and our rights. 

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