
We as Men Need to Police our People

     A 64 year-old Black woman, someone's mother, someone's grandmother was pulled over and bullied by police officers over a traffic stop. Clearly this woman was nervous giving the bad reputation that the police officers has with encounters with Black people; and she has every right to be. This officer is clearly scaring this woman with his off the wall directions causing her to urinate on herself, and he has the fucking audacity to ask her why is she peeing on herself.  His lack of disrespect to this elder over a minor traffic violation, (if there's one) is highly uncalled for. They manhalded our elder, they fucking tased our elder. We Black Men Better get it right, stop playing with your damn egos. We Black Men must start standing up for our people when we see that there is a miscarriage of justice going on. Don't just pull out the phones to record, ban together to stop the police brutality. I didn't say fight the police just surround the victim until their superiors arrive. Again Surround our people until the police superiors arrive on sight. They'll try to scare you with obstruction of justice charge, but do not falter, do not waver. We must stand and let these police officers know when they are wrong. Let them know that they are not the fucking slave patrol, they are there to serve, protect and fucking respect us like they do the white folks. If they can not do their job respectfully in our neighborhoods, then we Black men must step to protect our women, children and elders. 
The Breakfast Club talks to Issa Rae
"Some Freaky Ish.....Part 1"


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