
Have a Seat Willingboro, Let's talk.


     Willingboro, when I hear the residences and politicians talking about what ails our community, I realized these comments are coming from people who've known each other since high school or grew up together. I've also noticed in my little time here is if Willingboro don't know the person, that person's voice often times goes unheard. Willingboro you've been around the same people for years trying all you can only to have your idea or plan argued down and not even tried. All I ever see is which way a certain person wants Willingboro to go and its their way or the high way. Nothing can be done without think tanks, and a platform that will allow the progression of change to happen. Here your ideas and voice can be implemented, not altered and watered down, but heard and made better. A place where every business involved, we become a think tank for all businesses. All businesses have a platform to shine on. There's proven success in collaboration. For years I've heard how pretty, or how much Willingboro used to have and be. For years I've heard people say what they have tried to do for Willingboro and how they were fought tooth and nail by Willingboro. For years I've heard and saw how Burlington County times put Willingboro in a bad light, and heard the grievances expressed when it was done. For years I've seen small businesses open up only to close down because no one knew they were there and prices for ads in newspapers can be pricey, leaving small businesses to fend for themselves leaving empty commercial spaces throughout Willingboro. No need to mention Willingboro's education system that is woefully underfunded, and teachers drastically underpaid.

     Blackline is way to combat all that ails our community, it has the capacity to be our very own financial institution right here in Willingboro. Blackline can help small businesses get some exposure, a newspaper to change the narrative of our community, hell Willingboro get's to control the narratives, it's your voices that will be heard. Instead all that is seen is skepticism. The platform to start to see change is here! All it needs is the community to see its potential rather than the competition. We all have something we could use to benefit Willingboro. Let's collaborate and build together not see who can do it better. Blackline is in place for us, all of us.

     This is an opportunity for Willingboro to put their biases aside, implement those great ideas you all hold, to tell Willingboro all that they need to know; and not just on Facebook but in print. An opportunity for small businesses to get the exposure they need online and in print at affordable prices. An opportunity for this very community and small businesses to create think tanks behind their businesses and community so they both can move forward together. Once the think tanks are in place and revenue is generated we can help fund our schools and education systems right here. These are long term goals with the ability to become a generational wealth making machine for all involved. 

     Willingboro you've tried so many things in your 30, 40, 50 years living here. Let's try to come together and be the change we seek. This platform can help Willingboro change its political, economical, educational, overall health of our community. It just needs the community to understand that. Let's talk. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dear Dearest,
Yes God is Real


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Saturday, 18 May 2024

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