
​One of the most powerful acts my mother took when she migrated to Charlotte from Long Island, after my father’s death was to find a place of worship. There were many dark days after the head of our household transitioned. Yet my mother, through courage and faith built an alter in a new land, with few friends or family members. I was living in Maryland at the time and my sister was in Philly. My mother had sisters in Baltimore and Patterson but none in Charlotte. Her bold move was truly an act of God, committing herself to Little Rock AME Zion Church. Only God knew that some 20 years later her sisters, her grandchildren and her children would not only move to Charlotte but become members of Little Rock under the powerful leadership of Dr. Walker. 

Dr. Walker has a powerful message of Christ’s love. He is relevant and doesn’t take a blind eye to all that is going on in society. He has directed my family in our purpose of God, keeping his congregation abreast on the issues of today. Through his teachings of God being the center of our universe, my family has grown in numbers as well as spiritually. We are unified and rooted here and he has given us practical, day to day tools to putting God first. Our family serves on the choir, usher board and youth ministry at Little Rock and we find that we are stronger for it. Even in Dr. Walker’s time of sorrow, he was the example of what family truly is. And now as he moves toward being Bishop, we love, endorse and honor this mighty man of God. Jesus is our rock and Dr. Walker has been our vessel.