By Dearest Price on Tuesday, 25 May 2021
Category: News

You Don’t Get A Pass For Being An Ass - Oh, Chrissy

AvI never thought I would be sitting in the chair of the elders, quoting such greats as Maya Angelou; “When people show you who they are, believe them”, taking up the essence of Iyanla, “You gotta do the work” yet being classy like Michelle, “When they go low we go high”. But here I am, talking about some people I don’t even know yet operating above the fray of gossip and promoting real talk and healing. I recognize we have become a culture of “mean” and “green”. Compassion has taken a back seat to popularity while common sense has gone out the toilet to big risks; big risks on reputations, social justice and integrity. And while some may believe all this is superficial and doesn’t matter, I say when a sexy socialite can get disenfranchised Black Men out of prison, maybe we should bring more of these sistas to the table instead of calling them airheads. Maybe we should act more like teachers than preachers. I’m just saying. 
So, every week, Tuesday morning, I’m going to do a commentary called, “You don’t get a pass for being an ass”.  We all have been there, making mistakes that society wants to tell us is the end to it all, when in actuality it is happening to make us all conscious and better people. This is a short blog putting our own in check so we can all be accountable to this weird and strange planet called earth. You don’t get a pass but we learn and find forgiveness and we are not be dominated by “cancel culture“, “haterade” or pettiness. Hell, we all make mistakes. Let’s talk about it, forgive and move forward. Now forgiveness does not mean ridding the ass no more. Forgiveness is taking the burden off of ourselves. 
Today my very first figure displaying asinine behavior is the beautiful and intelligent Chrissy Teigen. She is a mogul in her own right, a supermodel, author and celebrity host on that LL Cool J show. The one where they lip sang. The name will come to me after I finish this blog. At any rate, to put a cherry on top of all her success as she is married to one of my favorite recording artist, John Legend. I tell you, I really like this woman. She showed herself to be fierce against the wrath of 44, saying what most of us brown girls didn’t have the platform to say. “You suck Trump.” She came across warm and funny, real and sincere, publicly sharing her miscarriages and experiences with depression. In saying all that, she is human and has made a cruel and very serious mistake that many may not ever forgive. She has been a cyberbully. Damn! Now, I have no tolerance for this, having a beautifully, exceptionally perfect son on the spectrum who has to deal with mean kids all the time. Chrissy is quoted as telling TV personality Courtney Stodden, “to go to sleep forever” and sending all types of trash in her DM. She mocked Lindsey Lohan for cutting herself and called “Teen Mom”, Farrah Abraham a whore. That is so crazy, from a grown woman even if she said she was in her 20’s at the time. Chrissy has no right to be a dangerously mean person and there is no place for her being such an ass.
Now this woman doesn’t need to be trolled or mocked by me because in this “cancel culture” the voice of public opinion has spoken and they are slaying her, understandably. I watched the SNL skit by Pete Davidson and all I can say is, “eat it sis”. 

They say Chrissy has fallen apart from being exposed and barely will get out of bed. Girl, you a millionaire. Get yo ass up and tell little girls why this is wrong. Talk to teenagers about your fall. Stand on your mistakes. Use this as a teachable moment. I want her to create some anti bullying platforms at her expense. I want my man John to stand with her admitting it was wrong and if she looses everything she is still privileged with one of the greatest husband entertainers of all time. Brush ya shoulders off sis and make it right. It’s your responsibility. And the name of the show was Lip Sync Battle. 

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