Owners of Burnett's Finer Fashions Vivian Burnette, and Taisha Wortham

When you step into church, you want to step in there in looking like you came to see the King! Sunday fashion can't get any finer than Burnette's Finer Fashions for men and women. From the small town of Jonestown in rural Mississippi, faithful women of Mary Bethel Missionary Baptist Church; a mother daughter duo Vivian Burnette and Taisha Wortham that took their love of fashion and God to the runway! Whether you are the Pastor or the Pastor's Wife, or just a faithful congregant that appreciates getting dressed in Sunday's best Burnette's Finer Fashion gives the feel of "Strength and Power of a first couple ,with an Elegance that says we are worthy to sit at the King's table!"  Burnette's Finer Fashions allows you to praise God and go to that Sunday evening gathering without a hitch! Log on to Burnettsfinerfashions.com Take look below at the awesome fashions available!!!!