
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

1 Timothy 2:1–2 

There is no story told better than life itself. There is no game, no show or act, that trumps the air we breathe. Lord we lift up Damar Hamlin all over the world, sending our petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanks for his awesome talents. Tonight we ask that you give his family peace as his recovery begins. Lord quiet the noise and place your supernatural powers over every cell, organ, muscle, tissue and extremity of his body. As “He” heals, bring this 24 year old insight and purpose to share your power. Every tongue that speaks in the voice of cowardice, anger, selfishness, concerning this situation, we collectively rebuke in the Name of Jesus. Make it simple Lord, like water, giving others an understanding that you and only you are God. And none of this matters without you. And together we say it is well, as we witnessed the kneeling for the healing of a young King that will do great things. We say it is well as a game is postponed and dozens use the field as an altar. We say it is well, that we kneel together before the most high knowing that this is not the end. 
Giving You Honor, Glory and Love. 